The Wellness Academy Hosted by: Dr. John Reed
Dr. John Reed
Wellness Academy Director
Dr. John Reed is a practicing Board Certified Anesthesiologist that has embraced modern wellness concepts to enrich his own life and that of others. Click here to read full Bio.
YOUR Heart Matters
The Wellness Academy
Start Your Heart Health Program Today!
YOUR Mind Matters
Weight Management
Improving your health with food doesn't have to be hard
CardioBar®: Ideal Addition To Any Diet
The current options for most all people wanting to diet to lose weight, gain muscle, increase heart health and endurance, and more, comes down to two choices: Join a Plan/ Program/ Club, or Do it Yourself. CardioBar® is a must have and welcome addition to any diet program or nutritional plan as well as “DIYers” wanting the essential nutritional benefits CardioBar® provides. We provide the fuel for whatever model and style of transportation your lifestyle demands!
CardioBar® – Guaranteed
Is The Wellness Academy Right For You?
Yes, I Want To Improve My Heart Health
Yes, I Want Help With Weight Management
Yes, I Want Help With Improving Brain Function
CardioBar® is not intended to treat or prevent illness, nor is it presented as a replacement for medications. The Portfolio Diet has been clinically reviewed and suggested as an alternative option for people that have borderline risk factor cholesterol levels. Because of this clinical review, CardioBar® has been designed, formulated and created to contain all the natural ingredients contained in The Portfolio Diet. CardioBar® is a unique functional food. The Portfolio Diet contained in CardioBar® has been recommended as a safe alternative for anyone desiring to lower their cholesterol. Persons engaging in a self-care program should always seek the guidance and monitoring by their primary health care provider.